The APHINITY trial safety profile.
The APHINITY trial safety profile.
During the targeted treatment-alone phase (following completion of chemotherapy), the only ARs occurring in >10% of patients in the PERJETA treatment group were diarrhea (18%), arthralgia (15%), radiation skin injury (12%), and hot flush (12%).1
*Denotes an AR that has been reported in association with a fatal outcome.1
†A substantial decrease in LVEF is defined as a decrease of 10 or more percentage points, to a value <50%.2
Rates of permanent discontinuation of any study therapy due to ARs were1:
All grades diarrhea1
Overall incidence of diarrhea was 71% in the PERJETA-treated group and 45% in the placebo-treated group.
Grade 2 diarrhea3
Incidence of Grade 2 diarrhea when targeted therapy was administered with chemotherapy:
Grades 3-4 diarrhea1,2
†Includes Grade ≥3 ARs with onset from first dose of any study treatment through 28 days after last dose of study treatment.2
‡Includes Grade ≥3 ARs with onset during the targeted therapy post-chemotherapy treatment period.2
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